GroFutures members at the IAH Congress 2016 in Montpellier
GroFutures was very active at the 43rd IAH (International Association of Hydrogeologists) Congress, “Groundwater and society: 60 years of IAH” in Montpellier (France) from 25th to 29th September 2016. A range of e-Poster or oral presentations were made and received well by fellow hydrogeologist from Africa and around the world. GroFutures members and research students from Benin, France, Nigeria, South Africa and the UK all got together for an informal meeting to discuss project activities in the Basin Observatories across Africa and enjoyed a dinner together. GroFutures members also exchanged research ideas with fellow researchers and colleagues working on other UPGro (Unlocking the Potential of Groundwater for the Poor) consortia projects across Africa. A list of presentations with downloadable PDFs can be found under Presentations.